However, I absolutely loath NOT being able to fix things. My infertility for starters, can't fix it. It is what it is, but I don't know why and I simply can't make it go away. It tears me up not be able to fix what is wrong with me. I can't put a band-aid on it and make it all better. In my own opinion I believe it is made worse because it is perceived as something else......'oh, they don't want kids' ............'they are putting their career first'..............or 'they are waiting till they can afford it'. Then of course brings the ultimate, 'why don't you JUST adopt.' As if it where JUST that easy! There is soooooo much involved for both infertility treatment and adoption.....the physical and emotional roller coaster and then the financial which can affect the physical and the emotional. Hence the roller coaster!
Is it going to be worth all the heartache and the pain? My heart says yes, my mind says I certainly hope so. I cannot foresee the future. The only other question is...Can I Fix It?